

  《Drenched》是曲婉婷原创歌曲,收录在其首张专辑《Everything in the World》中,同时也是电影《春娇与志明》的插曲。《Drenched》既揉进了蓝调元素,又保持了一个中国女生的淳朴、细腻本色。曲婉婷表示:“既然回到中国、回到家乡,当然要唱一首带些中国特色的歌曲。《Drenched》是我在去年年底创作的,一些朋友听后觉得旋律有中国韵味,之前曾在世界很多地方唱响,我也希望它能同样得到家乡人的认可。”







  When minutes become hours

  When days become years

  And I don't kNow where you are

  Color seems so dull without you

  Have we lost our minds?

  What have we done?

  But it all doesn't seem to matter


  When you kissed me on that street,

  I kissed you back

  You held me in your arms,

  I held you in mine

  You picked me up

  to lay me down

  When I look into your eyes

  I can hear you cry for a bit more of you

  and I'm drenched in your LOVE

  I'm no longer able to hold it back

  Is it too late to ask for love?

  Is it wrong to feel right?

  When the world is winding down

  Thoughts of you linger around

  Have we lost our minds?

  What have we done?

  But it all doesn’t seem to matter

  anymore Ahaah...

  When you kissed me on that street,

  I kissed you back

  You held me in your arms,

  I held you in mine

  You picked me up

  to lay me down

  When I look into your eyes

  I can hear you cry

  for a little bit more of you and I

  I'm drenched in your love

  I’m no longer able to

  hold it baaaaack

  When you

  kissed me on that street,

  I kissed you back

  You held me in your arms,

  I held you in mine

  You picked me up

  to lay me down

  When I look into your eyes

  I can hear you cry

  for a little bit more of you and I

  I'm drenched in your love

  I'm no longer able to

  hold it back


  When minutes become hours


  When days become years


  And I don’t know where you are


  Color seems so dull without you


  Have we lost our minds?


  What have we done


  But it all doesn’t seem to matter anymore

  但一切怀疑早已经 无关痛痒。

  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back


  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine

  你揽我入怀 不自觉的相拥。

  You picked me up to lay me down

  希冀与失落 都源自于你。

  When I look into your eyes


  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I

  我能听到你的泪水里 有你我不能掌控的无奈。

  I’m drenched in your love


  I’m no longer able to hold it back

  让我再也不可能 将一切挽回。

  Is it too late to ask for love?


  Is it wrong to feel right?

  是否这一切 似是而非?

  When the world is winding down


  Thoughts of you linger around


  Have we lost our minds?


  What have we done?


  But it all doesn’t seem to matter anymore

  但这一切早已经变得 无关痛痒

  When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back

  只因在街的那边 你我的那一吻。

  You held me in your arms, I held you in mine

  你揽我入怀 不自觉的相拥

  You picked me up to lay me down

  希冀与失落 都源自你。

  When I look into your eyes


  I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I

  我能听到你的泪水里 有你我不能掌控的无奈。

  I’m drenched in your love


  I’m no longer able to hold it back

  让我再也不可能 将一切挽回。











  [00:15.70]When minutes become hours

  [00:19.84]When days become years

  [00:24.57]And I don't know where you are

  [00:28.16]Color seems so dull without you

  [00:33.86]Have we lost our minds?

  [00:38.41]What have we done?

  [00:42.16]But it all doesn't seem to matter


  [00:51.32]When you kissed me on that street,

  [00:54.17]I kissed you back

  [00:56.50]You held me in your arms,

  [00:58.45]I held you in mine

  [01:00.81]You picked me up

  [01:03.16]to lay me down

  [01:05.00]When I look into your eyes

  [01:07.03]I can hear you cry for a bit more of you

  [01:12.76]and I'm drenched in your love

  [01:18.54]I'm no longer able to hold it back


  [01:36.89]Is it too late to ask for love?

  [01:41.30]Is it wrong to feel right?

  [01:45.92]When the world is winding down

  [01:49.82]Thoughts of you linger around

  [01:55.63]Have we lost our minds?

  [02:00.07]What have we done?

  [02:03.59]But it all doesn’t seem to matter

  [02:08.29]anymore Ahaah...

  [02:13.07]When you kissed me on that street,

  [02:15.68]I kissed you back

  [02:17.82]You held me in your arms,

  [02:19.88]I held you in mine

  [02:22.15]You picked me up

  [02:24.59]to lay me down

  [02:26.39]When I look into your eyes

  [02:28.96]I can hear you cry

  [02:31.20]for a little bit more of you and I

  [02:35.62]I'm drenched in your love

  [02:40.15]I’m no longer able to

  [02:44.07]hold it baaaaack


  [02:57.79]When you

  [02:59.55]kissed me on that street,

  [03:01.56]I kissed you back

  [03:03.60]You held me in your arms,

  [03:05.71]I held you in mine

  [03:07.83]You picked me up

  [03:10.49]to lay me down

  [03:12.01]When I look into your eyes

  [03:14.70]I can hear you cry

  [03:17.10]for a little bit more of you and I

  [03:21.42]I'm drenched in your love

  [03:26.20]I'm no longer able to

  [03:30.07]hold it back







  2009年,曲婉婷成为加拿大Nettwerk音乐公司首位华人合约音乐人。她的英文歌曲《Drenched》成为了电影《春娇与志明》的主题曲。之后,她凭借一首原创歌曲《我的歌声里》成名。2012年,她加盟环球音乐,并于4月24日在北美首发个人首张原创专辑《Everything In The World》。2013年,她受央视春晚邀请担任表演嘉宾,与杜淳合唱《我的歌声里》;2月15日,她担任了温哥华旅游大使。同年10月18日,她的第二张唱作专辑《Say The Words》由环球唱片发行。2017年10月27日,阔别四年,曲婉婷正式回归,推出全新原创大碟《LLL》。


标签: 曲婉婷
